☆ Download call for papers here ||徵稿啟事||Thông báo mời viết bài || Chhui-kó!
☆ Conference program || Lịch trình || 會議議程 || Gī-thêng
☆ Conference proceedings 會議論文集 Kỷ yếu hội thảo
For this year, we have a total of 96 papers presented at the conference. More than 100 scholars and 280 audiences have participated in the conference either online or in person. The scholars came from 12 countries, they are Vietnam, USA, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, Spain, France, Germany, Norway and Taiwan. For those registered participatnts, please download the conference program and proceedings at your own convenience. Google Meet links are provided in the program.
今年計有來自台灣、越南、日本、美國、韓國、香港、印尼、泰國、西班牙、法國、德國、挪威等12國學者96篇論文發表,超過280位聽眾報名旁聽,為全國最大規模的越南研究研討會!已報名的聽眾請自行下載議程並於活動當天線上(Google Meet link在議程內)或到現場參與!
Theme: War and peace: sustainability under imperial hegemony
Center for Taiwanese Languages Testing NCKU
Center for Vietnamese Studies NCKU
Department of Taiwanese Literature NCKU
Association for Taiwanese and Vietnamese Cultural Exchange
Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation
Taiwanese Romanization Association
Conference venue: see map and transportation information會場地圖及交通資訊
Department of Taiwanese Literature, National Cheng Kung University
(Tainan, TAIWAN)
Software for meeting online: Google Meet
Conference website: https://cvs.twl.ncku.edu.tw/
Conference date: Nov. 19~20, 2022
Deadline for abstracts: September 15, 2022
Deadline for notification of acceptance: September 30, 2022
Deadline for presenter’s registration: October 10, 2022
Audience's registration: October 15~31, 2022
☆ To prevent the pandemic of Wuhan COVID 19, this conference adopts both online and onsite meeting. All scholars outside Taiwan are recommended to participate in online meeting. Scholars in Taiwan may choose online meeting or join the conference in person at National Cheng Kung University.
☆ For those international scholars outside Taiwan who plan to participate this conference in person at NCKU, please refer to the 7 days quarantine rules here!
The topics of interests include but are not limited to:
For detailed information on conference, please refer to call for papers.
Keynote speakers: